Friday, 27 November 2009

The most widespread in our opinion, opinions, fears and myths of smokers are made comments by experts

They so are good, young, free and happy - people from posters of advertising of cigarettes. Also it is somehow believed that their healthy complexion, cheerfulness and a wonderful landscape behind the back - thanks to this small pack in the foreground. Smoking can be fine? We облазили a heap of sites, have interrogated tens people and have collected extended and not so opinions. Why we smoke and we do not wish to refuse this habit?
1. «Weakens, calms, distracts from problems»
Perhaps, the most popular opinion: «When it seems that all against you, the cigarette helps to find peace of mind».
- Actually smoking it is faster a conditioned reflex, an atavism, replacement of an oral syndrome, - our expert speaks, to. M. н., psychotherapist Dmitry Klevtsov. - recourse of mental development of the person As a matter of fact is faster. If the baby, having got agitated, demands a parent breast the smoker catches at a cigarette. It turns out that the person mentally незрел, cannot in other ways be protected from stress.
Therefore psychologists first of all try to understand the deep reasons of that the person cannot refuse tobacco.
- At smoking there is a double dependence - nicotinic and psychological, - the professor, expert in narcology Alexander МАГАЛИФ makes comments. - And if from nicotinic it is possible to get rid in a week from psychological it is much more difficult. The person does not have not enough those habitual actions - to leave an office on a smoke break, to get a cigarette, the fulfilled movement to light … And when it is not present, there is an anxiety, alarm from loss of the necessary ritual. In that case would advise to have a drink usual lungs soothing. Well and to try replaceable therapy - sugar candies, a cud and so forth hypnosis or other means of psychotherapy can help With hard cases.
2. «I am afraid to grow fat»
«I smoke many years and I think, if I will throw, I will start to grow stout. Heard that nicotine participates in a metabolism. And when it disappears, the organism starts to fill shortage with the strengthened accumulation of fats».
- No, nicotine is not connected in any way with process жирообразования in an organism, - speaks to. M. н., the dietitian Marina КОПЫТЬКО. - More likely I would connect a cigarette with boredom or desire of a break. That is, when it is necessary to have a rest or distract, the smoker starts to pitch. And that who has thrown, most easier, of course, to eat. Therefore, not to grow fat after you have thrown, enough to find other employment - for example, to walk for a short while or simply to have a drink green to tea.
3. «Helps to think»
Opinion: «When the head becomes similar to a copper in which thoughts hardly find room, there is nothing better a cigarette. Ideas find volume, find a new campaign to a problem faster».
- The cigarette helps not to concentrate, and to brake nervous impulses, - does not agree to. M. н., doctor-neurologist Victor КОСС. - When the person gives up smoking, at it the impression is made that without a cigarette it cannot relax or concentrate. Because, on the one hand, substances from cigarettes brake nervous impulses, with another - stimulate brain cages a little. It seems that after a cigarette you became quiet and the thought "has gone" easier. But it is short-term effect. It is reached only at the expense of the first-second cigarette and for a short while. Further already there is a psychological dependence when we connect feeling of a relaxation with a cigarette or, on the contrary, concentration.
4. «For the company»
«If usually I do not smoke, but, it is necessary to gather with friends moreover to drink pair of liqueur glasses, and all light, my hand too reaches for a cigarette. Probably, it not so is bad, as though I smoked all time».
- Yes, such way is, of course, more safe, than constant smoking, - considers д. M. н., токсиколог Vladimir NECESSARY. Are so-called situational smokers at whom psychological dependence on cigarettes, than physical is faster. Smokers with the experience - the same addicts at whom after refusal of cigarettes uneasiness raises, рассредоточенность attention, can even jump up arterial pressure. Also working capacity is, of course, broken. At situational smokers of these symptoms is not present. Thus it is necessary to remember that nicotine as analogue natural нейромедиаторов enters an organism metabolism very quickly and as it is quickly deduced. And here pitches and other cancerogenic substances are deduced already much worse, and they cause all harmful changes in an organism. Therefore the more cigarettes you smoke in the company, the will longer get rid of consequences.
5. «Removes head and a toothache»
«When the tooth or a head starts to be ill, I smoke a cigarette, and it becomes easier. Probably, they remove spasms».
- Cigarettes possess weak vasoconstrictive effect, - Victor Koss confirms. - But so weak that it is notable only after the big break (not less than six hours between cigarettes). More likely it besides psychological distracting effect. Therefore in this case it is better to address to the doctor or at least to drink the anaesthetising.
Here such affairs, expensive smokers. And any doctor to you will by all means tell (bashfully having extinguished a sigarette) that harm from smoking unlike more than imaginary advantage.
That occurs, when we throw
In 8 hours after refusal of smoking the oxygen maintenance in blood raises to normal values.
Through 3 - 9 months breath function improves on 10 %.
In 5 years the risk of a heart attack of a myocardium is reduced in 2 times; in 10 years the risk of a cancer of lungs decreases in 2 times.
Any doctor has not confirmed that lungs for 100 percent will be cleared even later 10 years after you have given up smoking. Regeneration degree depends on many factors, including age. And the earlier it to make, the better.
By smoking it is caused a minimum of 90 % of cases of a cancer of a lung, 15 - 20 % of cases of oncological diseases of other localisations, 75 % of cases of a chronic bronchitis and an emphysema and 25 % of death from cardiovascular diseases.
Smokers fall ill with a myocardium heart attack in 2 - 8 times more often, than non-smoking. Thus smokers in 3 - 4 times would be more often suddenly perish from an ischemic heart trouble against normal state of health.
95 % of smokers after the transferred heart attack of a myocardium throw at once.
In Moscow every second man and every fifth woman-doctor smoke.
It is more than 70 percent of young men (from 25 till 34 years) smoke.
According to Open institute of health, the CART and the World bank.
«Behind a cigarette, especially in the unfamiliar company, people converge fast, them something as though unites the general, let even a bad habit. And it is already easier to find common language and themes which are formed in smoke clubs.
Alexander ».
«I smoke because that there is nothing. Smoking replaces with itself non-realised possibilities. And still because to smoke a cigarette is a most simple way to meet the desires. Possibility without problems to indulge the weaknesses - being in dependence (physical or psychological) to satisfy its each time when you will want.
Илья ».
«Because the cigarette is only mine. Five minutes for itself. And anybody will not take away this time from me.
Anna ».
Cigarette - a dialogue integral part
- Certainly, as well as any mentally active substance, cigarettes are the uniting factor, - Jury Magalif has told. - Many questions dare in smoking-rooms, people find even more the general interests. But it, perhaps, unique positive moment in smoking. If to forget about harm, to it put.
Count up, how many money in a year you spend for cigarettes by means of the calculator of the smoker.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

British mortgage borrowers Obliged to report on the amounts spent on cigarettes

British banks are tightening rules for issuing mortgages, writes The Times. Now wishing to buy property in installments in addition to earnings certificates must complete a detailed questionnaire.
In particular, will need to indicate how much the borrower to spend on clothes, shoes, cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. Such a practice recommended by the state banks to financial service. Human rights activists unhappy with the invasion of privacy of citizens. It is also unclear, as will be verified truthfulness fill out the forms.